Lawfare Project Wins Big in Spanish Court Against Anti-Semitic Boycott of Israel

Dear friends,

We are thrilled to announce that the High Court of Justice of Valencia in Spain ruled in an appeal judgment last Thursday that the boycott against Israel is in breach of constitutional civil rights and freedoms of nondiscrimination and equality before the law.

As you may know, the city council of Pedreguer (Alicante) and several other city councils throughout Spain approved a discriminatory motion in 2017 to boycott Israeli citizens and businesses. We could not let this stand, so we partnered with Lawfare Project Spanish counsel Ignacio Wenley Palacios to fight the boycotts in court.

Together, we initiated legal action in various Spanish jurisdiction to invalidate the councils' rulings. To date, Palacios has successfully nullified 67 city and local resolutions and paved the way for criminal action against government officials and councils that continue to adopt illegal boycott-related policies.


The High Court in Valencia's decision reinforces the fact that the boycott of Israeli individuals and businesses is rooted in antisemitism and is in clear violation of Spanish law. This decision is a huge win for The Lawfare Project and the Jewish community worldwide.

We applaud the court for rejecting the shameful BDS movement and we are proud to have helped influence its decision. Our hope is for every council in Spain to follow the High Court in Valencia's lead in the days ahead.

Thank you for being a supporter of The Lawfare Project. Please consider a donation to help us continue our efforts.

Brooke Goldstein
Executive Director
The Lawfare Project