Lawfare Project and Israel Allies Foundation Team Up to Fight European Discrimination
Dear friends,
We are proud to announce today that The Lawfare Project is partnering with the Israeli Allies Foundation (IAF) to combat anti-Israel discrimination in Europe. The partnership was covered by The Jerusalem Post this morning.
As you probably know, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently issued a shameful ruling requiring derogatory labels on products made by Jews in "disputed" Israeli territories. The Lawfare Project initiated legal action on behalf of Psâgot Winery and fought these discriminatory labeling requirements for years in various jurisdictions. As we have previously warned, the ECJ's decision opened up a Pandora's Box of unintended consequences.
Leopoldo Martinez (Latin American Director of the Israel Allies Foundation), President Alejandro Giammattei of Guatemala, & Josh Reinstein (President of the Israel Allies Foundation)
We know how crucial it is to unite with organizations like IAF during this time of hostility towards Israel and the Jewish people. IAF coordinates the work of around 1,000 legislators in 40 pro-Israel parliamentary caucuses around the world to mobilize political support for Israel based on shared Judeo-Christian values. Their extensive network includes the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC), the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus, and the European Union Parliamentary Israel Allies Caucus.
In fact, IAF has already taken impressive strides in the fight against labeling laws. IAF brought together members of Parliament from 20 Christian Allies Caucuses worldwide to discuss advancing pro-Israel legislation at the Israel Allies Chairman's Conference in Jerusalem. World leaders at the conference took the opportunity to stand in solidarity with those affected by labeling laws, including Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei, who posed for a photo with a bottle of Psâgot wine. IAF worked to bring the issue of anti-Semitism before the European Union and, and a result, KCAC Director Josh Reinstein, Professor Eugene Kontorovich, and U.S State Rep. Alan Clemmons presented in the European Parliament about the anti-Semitic nature of labeling laws. Actions like these are being coordinated all over Europe and the next step will be to bring together Eastern European parliamentarians to stand against the labeling of Jewish goods.
Josh Reinstein (President of the Israel Allies Foundation), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, & retired Congressman Dr. David Weldon (Chairman of the Israel Allies Foundation)
Our partnership will focus on strengthening the legal and political response within European countries. Together, we hope to encourage policy change in the EU as we continue to defend the civil rights of the Jewish people worldwide. Thank you for being a part of The Lawfare Project community.
Please consider a donation to support our efforts.
Thank you again.
Brooke Goldstein
Executive Director, The Lawfare Project