SUCCESS! Former Canadian Supreme Court justice criticizes anti-Jewish hate group in official report

You may remember the violent protest targeting Jewish students at York University a few months ago. An official report on the matter has finally been made public.

Last November, anti-Jewish protesters violently disrupted a school-sanctioned event at York University, openly calling for terrorism and injuring at least one student. Inexplicably, the school suspended both the hate group that organized the protest and the Jewish campus organization that sponsored the event. In January, York reinstated both clubs and commissioned an independent review by a former justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.

We at The Lawfare Project, along with RE-LAW LLP and Toronto attorney Guidy Mamann, provided pro bono legal services to the Jewish students whose event was disrupted.

Throughout Justice Cromwell's now public report, he is extremely critical of the "Students Against Israel Apartheid" hate group for organizing the protest without ensuring safety mechanisms and for its use of intimidation tactics to disrupt a peaceful, properly organized event. He also presented 41 recommendations for York University to improve its policies and procedures, which the University president has said she will accept.

These Jewish students tried to facilitate a meaningful dialogue by hosting a peaceful, respectful, and properly organized campus event. For this, they were violently attacked and intimidated by fanatics, and their organization was suspended by the University. Our hope is that Justice Cromwell's report will bring an end to this sordid affair and provide much-needed closure to the targeted Jewish students.